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    Einzigartige Kundenerlebnisse schaffen

    Durch ein höheres Handelsvolumen, ein größeres Engagement und den Zugang zu nutzbaren Daten bietet Social Trading für Ihr Brokerage enorme Vorteile.

    Anlegertrends und intelligentes Trade-Tracking

    Was leistungsstarke und gleichgesinnte Investoren kaufen, verkaufen und halten, zusammen mit einer detaillierten Verfolgung der Kauf-/Verkaufsaktivitäten, komplett mit visuellen Markierungen und Gewinn-/Verlustanalyse.

    A selection of views of the hi!stocks social trading app

    Performance-, Risiko- und Nachhaltigkeitsanalysen

    Vergleichen Sie Renditen mit Konkurrenten und Marktindizes, verfolgen Sie die Diversifizierung über Sektoren hinweg, beurteilen Sie die risikoadjustierte Performance mit anonymen Portfoliobewertungen und bewerten Sie das CO2-Risikoniveau mit Nachhaltigkeitsdaten.

    Gemeinschaft und soziales Engagement

    Vergleichen Sie Renditen mit Konkurrenten und Marktindizes, verfolgen Sie die Diversifizierung über Sektoren hinweg, beurteilen Sie die risikoadjustierte Performance mit anonymen Portfoliobewertungen und bewerten Sie das CO2-Risikoniveau mit Nachhaltigkeitsdaten.

    Personalisierte Markt- und Portfolioeinblicke

    Echtzeit-Updates zu Neuigkeiten, Trends und Ereignissen, die sich auf das Portfolio eines Benutzers auswirken, und zwar auf eine Weise, die seinen Anlagepräferenzen entspricht.

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    Erfahren Sie, was unsere Endnutzer auf der ganzen Welt über unsere Produkte sagen.

    The community is very friendly and it's easy to start a conversation. I used to be on a lot of financial forums and other social media platforms to exchange ideas and gather information on good investments. Now I do it all here because many users reply and help each other. I didn't expect a trading app to offer such a platform, but I really like it!


    App Store

    If you're like me, you'll gain a new platform that you won't want to do without so easily when trading and in the world of shares in general. There are lots of interesting like-minded people in the community, so it's fun to talk about your portfolio!


    App Store

    I can learn something about stocks from others and at the same time compare my own portfolio nicely...Love it!


    App Store

    I am thoroughly impressed! This app is a game-changer for anyone who wants to invest in stocks but feels uncertain in turbulent market times. The ability to view other investors' portfolios and connect with like-minded people has given me a newfound confidence in my investment decisions. I particularly love the inspiration and ideas I get from seeing other investors' strategies and the ability to exchange ideas with a community of investors.

    Frederick Lueders

    Google Play

    FINALLY an application where I can stalk some portfolios. I have always looked for something like this. 👍

    Simone Schlüter

    Google Play

    I've only been using it for a few days and I think it's a good replacement for the outdated trading app. The exchange with others is a great idea.


    App Store

    The community is very friendly and it's easy to start a conversation. I used to be on a lot of financial forums and other social media platforms to exchange ideas and gather information on good investments. Now I do it all here because many users reply and help each other. I didn't expect a trading app to offer such a platform, but I really like it!


    App Store

    If you're like me, you'll gain a new platform that you won't want to do without so easily when trading and in the world of shares in general. There are lots of interesting like-minded people in the community, so it's fun to talk about your portfolio!


    App Store

    I can learn something about stocks from others and at the same time compare my own portfolio nicely...Love it!


    App Store

    I am thoroughly impressed! This app is a game-changer for anyone who wants to invest in stocks but feels uncertain in turbulent market times. The ability to view other investors' portfolios and connect with like-minded people has given me a newfound confidence in my investment decisions. I particularly love the inspiration and ideas I get from seeing other investors' strategies and the ability to exchange ideas with a community of investors.

    Frederick Lueders

    Google Play

    FINALLY an application where I can stalk some portfolios. I have always looked for something like this. 👍

    Simone Schlüter

    Google Play

    I've only been using it for a few days and I think it's a good replacement for the outdated trading app. The exchange with others is a great idea.


    App Store

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    A small selection of features available via StockRepublic's API
    A small selection of features available via StockRepublic's API

    White-label oder API: Was ist das Richtige für Sie?

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