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    Growth in Germany Leads to New Legal Entity

    Growth in Germany Leads to New Legal Entity

    Christoffer Persson
    In an important effort to build a closer relationship with our German customers and continue to conquer the second-biggest FinTech market in Europe, we are now setting up a legal entity in Germany.

    This has been a long time coming, as StockRepublic has taken many steps to strengthen its foothold in the country.

    The process has included adding a Country Manager position, participating in the Access Germany accelerator program, and establishing a thriving partnership with Commerzbank’s Comdirect, resulting in the investment community; hi!stocks.

    But why Germany? Our Country Manager, Max, breaks down the details.

    – First off, there are great talents, a combination of highly educated individuals, and a driven workforce. Second, the Neobanking segment, one of our main target groups, is poised to show a revenue growth of close to 53% in 2023. Third, the FinTech market is expected to continue to grow in the country, and with the improved digital infrastructure, we believe that the best is yet to come for the region as a whole. That certainly includes Hamburg, where we’ll have our base.

    The legal entity is the next natural building block for StockRepublic and something that is being added to an already strong foundation. With this move, we can attract and hire top German talent, improve our expertise in certain areas, and streamline our operations.

    We are now more ready than ever to provide excellent social trading products for the people of Germany.

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