Let Your Customers Anonymously Compare Portfolios
Enable your customers to evaluate their investment holdings, risk, and return against those of others.
From risk & return to overall performance & rating, benchmarking user portfolios has never been easier.
A user's rating out of 5 stars based on a proprietary algorithm that evaluates each portfolio based on risk-adjusted returns.
The gains or losses of a user's portfolio independent of risk.
Risk Diversity
An overview of a user's investment diversification across markets, sectors, and security types.
Climate Analysis
An assigned CO2 risk level (low, medium, or high) to stocks, ETFs, and funds based on data from our partners, Sustainalytics and ISS.
Weekly Report
Summary of a single user's performance, compared to the greater community and stock market.
Transactions Tags
Details about a user's buy and sell activities, including profit/ loss and transaction type (complete liquidation, partial sale, first-time buy, or top up).
Buy & Sell Points
Visual markers displaying a user's buy and sell actions on a specific instrument's graph over time.
This app is a game-changer for anyone who wants to invest in stocks but feels uncertain in turbulent market times. The ability to view other investors' portfolios and connect with like-minded people has given me a newfound confidence in my investment decisions. I particularly love the inspiration and ideas I get from seeing other investors' strategies and the ability to exchange ideas with a community of investors.
Built With Compliance in Mind
Your own bank’s security layers are used to identify and vet users. This makes users anonymous towards the community but never to the bank - and no sensitive customer data is ever transferred.
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