White Label Design Update: Quicker from Trade Post to Action

We always have social traders in mind when we look to improve the user experience and increase meaningful engagement in our customers' apps. That is why we recently decided to alter the feed experience to maximize community involvement around trades.
Before, when you made a trade, it became a post in the feed of other social traders.
Now, you will see a similar post but in a slicker design with an actionable link allowing you to access real-time price and trade details. We have made this update to encourage more people to understand the context of why a trade was made and to give them a shortcut to taking action.
We saw users taking a detour to make trades when inspired by something they saw from the feed and wanted to simplify the path to action. When re-designing, we decided not to change the design too much for the users' perception, just a minimal nudge to alter their focus.
Dana Assanova
UI/UX Lead
The recent design update pinpoints the fact that our white-label apps are always in tune with the latest data insights, market needs, and industry trends. Dana and her team will continue to optimize the experience in the months ahead and would love to hear from you if you have feedback that could improve the user experience.